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Fire and Rescue Incident Statistics: Year Ending March 2024

11th Sep 2024

fire hazard

The latest fire and rescue incident statistics covering the year ending March 2024, reveal some significant trends and insights into the state of fire safety and emergency response.

Overview of Incidents

In the year ending March 2024, fire and rescue services (FRSs) in England attended a total of 600,320 incidents, this was a 3.6% decrease from the previous year. This decline is part of a broader trend observed over the past decade, reflecting improvements in fire prevention and safety measures.

Fire Categories

There are three categories and below we will explain each of their criteria.

Primary Fires

Primary fires are generally more serious and meet at least one of the following criteria:

  •   Occur in a (non-derelict) building, vehicle, or some outdoor structures
  •   Involve fatalities, casualties, or rescues
  •   Are attended by five or more pumping appliances

Secondary Fires

Secondary fires are typically smaller and less severe. They would usually:

  •   Occur outdoors and do not involve people or property
  •   Include refuse fires, grassland fires, and fires in derelict buildings or vehicles, unless they involve casualties or require five or more pumping appliances

Outdoor Primary Fires

  •   Fires in outdoor structures such as post or telephone boxes, bridges and tunnels
  •   Fires in vehicles like aircraft, boats and trains

Breakdown of Incidents

The incidents attended by FRSs can be categorized into three main types:

  •   Fires: 138,977 incidents (23% of total incidents)
  •   Fire false alarms: 252,132 incidents (42% of total incidents)
  •   Non-fire incidents: 209,211 incidents (35% of total incidents)

The number of fires attended saw a significant 22% decrease compared to the previous year, largely due to a reduction in secondary fires and outdoor primary fires.

Fire-Related Fatalities and Casualties

Tragically, there were 251 fire-related fatalities in 232 fatal fires during this period, a slight decrease from 265 fatalities recorded the previous year. This reduction highlights ongoing efforts to improve fire safety and emergency response times.

Response Times

Response times to fires have remained a critical focus for FRSs. The Average response time to a primary fire was 8 minutes and 45 seconds, this showed a slight improvement from the previous year. Quick response times are crucial in minimizing damage and saving lives.

Fire Prevention and Protection

Efforts in fire prevention and protection have continued to evolve. The statistics show an increase in the number of smoke alarms installed and fire safety checks conducted by FRSs. These proactive measures are essential in reducing the risks of fires and ensuring public safety.


The fire and rescue incident statistics for the year ending March 2024 provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of fire safety in England. While the overall number of incidents has decreased, the focus on fire prevention, quicker response times and public safety remains paramount. Continued efforts in these areas will be crucial in further reducing fire-related incidents and fatalities in the future. Fire training is essential for everyone as it equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in the event of a fire. Understanding how to use fire extinguishers, recognizing fire hazards and knowing evacuation procedures can save lives and minimize property damage. By receiving fire training individuals contribute to creating a safer environment for themselves and those around them.


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